Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (2024)

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Skills Gems

Path of Exile builds typically revolve around one or two main skill gems (Abilities), augmented by multiple support gems in a link. In the end game, your goal will be to have a chest or 2-handed weapon with 6 linked sockets. In such an instance, you will always have a single skill gem supported by 5 support gems. The result is that your main skill will become exponentially more powerful than if was not linked to support gems. Here is an example 6-Link a player might use in the end-game of Path of Exile:

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (2) Firestorm Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (3) Concentrated Effect Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (4) Fire Penetration Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (5) Elemental Focus Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (6) Spell Echo Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (7) Controlled Destruction Support

As you should be able to piece together from reading the tooltips, Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (8) Firestorm is the skill gem in this link. By adding these support gems, we are reducing the area of effect of the skill but increasing its damage using Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (9) Concentrated Effect Support. Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (10) Elemental Focus Support and Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (11) Controlled Destruction Support both increase the elemental damage of the skill, while Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (12) Fire Penetration Support grants the skill the ability to punch through monsters with Fire resistance more easily. Finally, Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (13) Spell Echo Support allows you to cast multiple instances of the spell rapidly. The damage difference between this setup and Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (14) Firestorm on its own is absolutely enormous. Hopefully, you are starting to understand how important it is to link your skill gem to support gems.

Additional gem links, such as in Boots or Gloves (that have a maximum of 4 Links), are typically used for defence or mobility. Every build in Path of Exile incorporates at least one mobility skill, such as Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (15) Whirling Blades.

Here is an example mobility link used in some builds:

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (16) Whirling Blades Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (17) Faster Attacks Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (18) Fortify Support Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (19) Lifetap Support

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (20) Whirling Blades is the skill gem in this link, and we link it to Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (21) Faster Attacks Support to increase the speed of the skill. This allows us to travel quicker through areas in the game. By linking it to Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (22) Fortify Support, we will gain a nice damage reduction when we dash into a pack of monsters, granting additional defence. Finally, Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (23) Lifetap Support makes the skill cost Life instead of Mana, which can be helpful for Mana-hungry builds.

Support Gems

Perhaps even more important then skill gems themselves are support gems augment that empower existing abilities in unique and interesting ways. For a support gem to take effect, however, it must be linked to the skill gem in a gem socket chain, as described in the section above. Support Gems do nothing on their own, or if they are not linked to an active skill gem.

There are a massive variety of support gems in Path of Exile, and they vary extremely greatly in effect. Certain support gems will not work with active skill gems; for example, Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (24) Greater Multiple Projectiles Support will only support Projectile skill gems, as you might expect. Here is an example of the skill gem Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (25) Elemental Hit be used with and without Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (26) Greater Multiple Projectiles Support.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (27)

Support gems are subject to the same restrictions as Skill Gems; they must match the colour of the socket and have attribute requirements based on the colour of the skill gem. Support gems do not have to match the skill gem colour.

Aura Gems

Aura gems are technically considered skill gems, but instead of granting a combat skill, they provide a buff that lasts until cancelled in exchange for a portion of your maximum Mana pool.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (28)

There are a variety of Aura gems in Path of Exile. Some are focused on enhancing damage, while others bolster the player’s defences.

Vaal Gems

Vaal gems are a special class of gem, as they can be both Skill Gems and Auras. Vaal gems only exist for specific skills and abilities, and provide empowered versions of the base skill gem. When using a Vaal gem, the player gains the use of both the base skill gem and the empowered Vaal ability. For example, if Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (29) Reave was your main ability, you could use the Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (30) Vaal Reave gem instead, and still be able to use the normal Reave ability. To activate the Vaal version of them, a fixed amount of “souls”, or enemy kills, are necessary. Here is an example of a player using the Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (31) Fireball skill, and then activating Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (32) Vaal Fireball.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (33)

Acquiring the Links You Need to Level

No one starts the league with a 6 link Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (34) Tabula Rasa hidden in their back pocket. How does one put together a functioning build without any items or links? Without Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (35) Jeweller's Orbs or Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (36) Orb of Fusings, crafting the item yourself is not even an option.

A Loot Filter can help with this immensely as 3-Link and 4-Link items will be automatically highlighted at lower levels to help you obtain the links needed as soon as possible. For installing a loot filter please check this page.

Checking the vendors in town is also a highly recommended option. You could obtain a 3-Link at level 1, if you are lucky, by talking to Tarkleigh or Nessa in Lioneye’s Watch.

Gem sockets are only found in certain items. While there are a few esoteric exceptions to this rule, gem sockets can typically only be found in the following types of equipment:

Equipment Type Maximum Number of Gem Sockets
Chest Armor 6
2-Handed Weapons 6
Helmet 4
Boots 4
Gloves 4
1-Handed Weapons 3
Shields 3
Unset Rings 1

Players can attempt to reforge the number of sockets on a piece of gear using Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (37) Jeweller's Orbs, but not above the maximum listed above. The likelihood of achieving higher numbers of sockets in an item is reduced at an almost exponential rate for each additional socket (e.g. getting 5 sockets on a Chest item is significantly more likely than 6). An item with a higher Quality bonus has a greater chance of receiving a higher number of sockets.

Sockets can also be recoloured using Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (38) Chromatic Orbs.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (39)

Additionally, there are restrictions on how many sockets a piece of gear can have based on its item level. This means that a 2-handed weapon you find near the beginning of the game will not be able to have 6 sockets, no matter how many Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (40) Jeweller's Orbs are used. The easiest way to see the item level is to hold the ALT key and hover your cursor over an item. The item level restrictions on sockets are as follows:

Number of Sockets Minimum Item Level
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 25
5 35
6 50

Colouring Your Sockets

Now that you have the links necessary, you have to ensure they are the right colours for the gems you will require. Items will need to be correctly re-coloured using the currency of Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (41) Chromatic Orbs.

Items have a base type that assigns them preferred colours:

  • Evasion-based items prefer Green sockets
  • Energy Shield-based items prefer Blue sockets
  • Armor-based items prefer red sockets

This follows for weapons, in a logical fashion. Daggers and Swords are Dexterity, Wands are Intelligence, and so forth.

Therefore, it is easiest to start with an item you can realistically color with only a small number of Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (42) Chromatic Orbs. If you are trying to get 4 Blue sockets on an Armor item, you are very likely going to need hundreds of Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (43) Chromatic Orbs, and this simply is not realistic while leveling.

Acquiring Chromatic Orbs

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (44) Chromatic Orbs are most consistently obtained through a simple recipe. Trading any item to a vendor that has at least 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 red socket linked together will result in a Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (45) Chromatic Orb.

The Loot Filter is very helpful for this purpose, as it will automatically highlight “Chromatic Pieces” that can be traded for these orbs. Keep an eye out for these items, as they are very valuable to your personal progress when starting a league or the game for the first time. While the orbs themselves do not have a great financial value, they have a practical necessity that gives your character a lot of freedom to change gear pieces at a whim and instantly re-color them as needed.

Acquiring the Gems You Need

Many classes will receive core skill gems as quest rewards throughout the game. Worth noting, however, is that the rewards are variable based on your class. Strength-based classes, like the Marauder, will receive more Red gems, while Intelligence-heavy classes, such as the Witch, will see a lot more Blue gems.

Muling is a technique used early in the league to receive gems you need in Act I. This is done by creating a different class than the one you intend to play, in order to receive gems from the opening quests. Since these quests usually only take a few minutes, you can have some of the gems you need already in your stash within minutes of a league launching.

Some gems can not be obtained as quest rewards by your class, but can be purchased from a specific vendor after completing the quest that would have rewarded it to another class. The only hard and fast way to check the availability of gems and their source is using the Path of Exile Wiki

Siosa, found in the Library in Act III, carries virtually every gem available up until that point in the game and can be used to supplement any missing pieces once you arrive there. When you reach Act VI, Lily Roth sells every gem available, excluding the very rare drop gems like Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (46) Empower Support and Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (47) Enlighten Support.

I’m Using a Leveling Skill – How Do I Level My End-Game Skill?

If you are not using your main skill to level, there is a way to level another set of gems simultaneously. You can equip a second set of weapons by opening your inventory and clicking on the ”II” near the weapon slot. You can also press “X” at any time to swap to your secondary weapons.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (48)

When leveling, you can simply equip two 1-handed weapons of any type, ensuring they have three sockets each. Even if these weapons are not your active set, the gems will still gain experience, allowing you to level 6 additional gems for no cost.

The 20 Quality Gem Recipe

Leveling gems in your weapon swap can be used for another valuable purpose – the quality gem recipe. If you trade a vendor a Level 20 Gem and 1 Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (49) Gemcutter's Prism, they will give you back the same gem, at Level 1, with 20% Quality. If you are not clear on what quality does for you gem(s), this can be found on our database.

Typically, “20/20 gems” (Level 20 Gems with 20% Quality) are very expensive early in the league. This is a cheap way of obtaining 20% Quality gems, although they will need to be leveled up a second time.

Many players have different strategies for their off-hand gems. Some will level 6 of their main skill, trade them in for quality gems, level them again, then corrupt them all with Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (50) Vaal Orbs in the hopes of obtaining a Level 21 gem with 20% quality. This is a rare result, but extremely valuable. Others will level one of each of the gems in their final build’s 6-Link, then use them when they are eventually at-level. Finally, certain gems are worth significantly more than others due to supply and demand, and some players will opt to level gems for the pure goal of profit itself.

Why Do Certain Guides Recommend Low Level Gems?

In many of our guides, you will notice certain gems have specified levels that you should not level them past. The most prolific examples are Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (51) Cast when Damage Taken Support and Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (52) Arcane Surge Support, as many builds incorporate one or both of these gems. The main reason for this is that leveling up these gems increases their threshold for activation, so depending on what you have them linked to, this may actually be a detriment.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (53) Cast when Damage Taken Support, for example, will activate linked skill gems when a certain threshold of damage is taken. By leveling the gem, you increase the amount of damage your character must take before the linked gems are triggered. Since this is most often linked to Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (54) Immortal Call, which provides Physical damage immunity for a short time, most players generally prefer that this triggers more consistently.

In the case of CWDT (Cast When Damage Taken), however, leveling the gem does have benefits. The level requirement to use CWDT is Level 38 at gem level 1, and part of the caveat of the gem is that it will only support gems that have the same level requirement (38) or lower. That means that using a level 1 CWDT will only allow you to use low level gems (usually 1-5) when linked with it. If you level the gem, however, you can have proportionally stronger gems linked with it, which may be advantageous if you want to link it to curses like Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (55) Temporal Chains or Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (56) Warlord's Mark.

The logic behind certain gem levels is usually specific to the gem and build itself, but trust that the reasoning for it is sound.

How to Prevent Gems From Gaining Experience

Normally, when a gem is ready to level up, it appears on the right side of the screen flanked by a “+” symbol to let you know that you can send to it the next level. If you want the gem to remain at the current level, however, you can opt to simply ignore it. It can get a little annoying having several gem alerts on the side of the screen, however, and there is a way to make them disappear.

If you want to stop leveling a gem, simply right click on the “+” symbol (where you would normally left click to level it up). This will dispel the alert on the side of the screen, clearing up some real estate for you.

Should you wish to level the gem in the future, open your inventory pane (I) and you will find the gems, ready to be leveled, beneath your inventory slots.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (57)

De-Leveling Gems

It is not uncommon for a player aiming to get their Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (58) Arcane Surge Support to Level 7, for example, to unconsciously click “+” on the gem and send it to Level 8 by accident. Fortunately, gems can be easily and cheaply de-leveled.

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (59)

Simply trade any vendor your gem of choice along with an Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (60) Orb of Scouring, and they will provide you with a gem one level lower in return.


  • Updated for Path of Exile Trial of the Ancestors 3.22

Beginner Guide to Path of Exile: Learning Skill Gems (2024)


How to level up skill gems in Path of Exile? ›

Once a gem has enough experience to level up, it will stop gaining experience and a level-up icon will appear on the right of the screen and in the inventory menu. Left-clicking it will level up the gem, while right-clicking the icon will hide it on the side of the screen.

What is the easiest starting class Path of Exile? ›

When it comes to builds for the complete beginner in Path of Exile, the Lightning Arrow Deadeye is definitely one of the best. It deals an insane amount of damage even when you are on a budget. And, if you like the playstyle so much, you can invest more currency to scale the damage of the build even further!

Is Path of Exile easy for beginners? ›

It's great to see you taking your first steps in Path of Exile (PoE). Path of Exile is not an easy game to pick up, being famous for its great depth and potential complexity, but we are here to help to make your journey easier and more fun from the start.

How to reduce gem level by 1? ›

De-Leveling Gems

Arcane Surge Support to Level 7, for example, to unconsciously click “+” on the gem and send it to Level 8 by accident. Fortunately, gems can be easily and cheaply de-leveled. Orb of Scouring, and they will provide you with a gem one level lower in return.

Why not level up gems PoE? ›

Not levelling up a gem is useful in some situations. As gems level up, the abilities they grant get better, but the requirements to equip them also increase, as well as the mana cost for active skills.

Do corrupted gems still level up PoE? ›

Corrupted gems can still level up. Unless you are trying to turn a gem into a vaal gem, there is no reason to corrupt a gem that is under level 20.

What is the best solo class in Path of Exile? ›

Deadeye is the main go-to ascendancy class for almost all projectile builds in PoE. Gathering Winds increases your attack speed and movement speed, allowing you to finish the main campaign faster.

Does Path of Exile ever get hard? ›

up until merciless, the game is pretty easy. but overall, this game is definitely harder than diablo 3. i see you've made it to level 44, congratz! keep smashing through the content and i think you'll see the difficulty really start to ramp up.

What is the best character to start with in PoE? ›

Saboteur. The Saboteur is classified as one of the best classes in Path of Exile that you can use as a league starter. By utilizing traps or mines, the Saboteur can make quick work of the enemy, especially very early on in the league.

Is PoE worth it to play solo? ›

Yes, you can get to endgame solo easily, but at the high end of the game, it can be a lot harder to gain XP and loot quickly without a group. Yes, this game is deep and complex, but there's tons of information in the game that isn't obvious, and is easier to learn from other people rather than figuring it out yourself.

What league should I start in Path of Exile? ›

The default choice is the currently-active Challenge league. But you can switch your character to the Standard league for a more vanilla experience. The Standard league is a good way to just focus on the story or run the campaign for the first time.

Can you beat Path of Exile without paying? ›

But if you're a new player who's just getting into it for the first time, and learning your way through the campaign, then no, you don't really need to worry about it, and there's nothing pay-to-win that's standing in your way of learning the game and doing the story.

How to increase quality of skill gems in Poe? ›

The quality of skill gems may be improved with a Gemcutter's Prism. These upgrades always improve a skill's quality by 1%. Alternatively, a level 20 non-awakened support gem and a Gemcutter's Prism can be vendored (sold to a NPC) for a level 1 gem with 20% quality.

How to delevel in Poe? ›

Book of RegressionReduces your character level by one and resets your experience for that level to zero. A Book of Regression. Right-click to reduce your character level by one. Book of Regression is an item that can be used to reduce the player character's level by one.

How do you increase skill gem quality in PoE? ›

The quality of skill gems may be improved with a Gemcutter's Prism. These upgrades always improve a skill's quality by 1%. Alternatively, a level 20 non-awakened support gem and a Gemcutter's Prism can be vendored (sold to a NPC) for a level 1 gem with 20% quality.

Can you level awakened gems PoE? ›

Unlike regular gems, awakened gems have a maximum gem level of 5 (4 for the Exceptional gems). Many also unlock an additional effect only when the gem has reached its maximum level.

Is there power leveling in Path of Exile? ›

PoE power leveling FAQ

If you want to get level fast, you should power leveling on red maps with enemies with 80+ level. And it becomes very dangerous so you need better gear to be able to survive and kill mobs.

Can you unlock all skills in Path of Exile? ›

The difference between other RPG games' skill trees and the Path of Exile skill tree is that in PoE, you are only allowed to unlock the skill related to your character's play style. However, you can unlock all other skills for your character later on.

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.