Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (2024)

New moms often think about what to do with a baby all day long when you are already bathing, feeding, and changing diapers. Babies tend to lose hours of sleep as they grow, so it’s not like eating and sleeping all the time anymore. Encouraging early play activities for sensory stimulation and cognitive development is essential at this point.

Most new parents wonder how to entertain a baby at home? Well, you can do a lot of play activities for early sensory development with newborns and babies under one while you are at home.

Like everyone, babies do need some activities to enhance their development and growth process. Newborns’ right brain stimulation is essential for enhancing their sensory abilities. Mimicking faces, sticking out tongues, making silly sounds, etc are thorough entertainment activities for babies of any age.

During fun play, activities that improve the baby’s hand-eye coordination and exercise for fine motor skills, like grabbing objects, cycling legs, and safe rolling over, should be part of your child’s early learning.

Babies who sit in their car seats all day long without any physical activities tend to delay their developmental milestones. Hence, it is encouraged to let your baby explore and stay active while at home. Also, try to engage them in fun and entertaining DIY activities every day.

In this post, you will find some fun activities for your newborns (0 to 6 months old babies) that you can also enjoy as much as they will.

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Sensory stimulation activities for babies to encourage early cognitive development:

Encourage your newborn’s healthy mental and physical development with these sensory fun and easy activities that you can do at home all day long.

What To Do With Your Newborn At Home

Ideally, introducing early sensory stimulation activities with your 0 to 3 months old infants is a great way to encourage physical and mental growth. Try various age-appropriate play activities for visual and sensory development.

Tummy time is the best activity for a 2-week-old baby

Baby tummy time is the most popular activity and super essential when it comes to strengthening the muscles. You can start tummy time as soon as the baby’s umbilical cord is detached. Make sure the belly button is properly healed and dry.

Gradually, increase the time duration for your baby while he is on the tummy, as it takes a while to get the hang of staying on it. Putting some rattles and other soft toys for the baby to grab will get his attention.

Two weeks to one month – total of 5 mins to 15 minutes of tummy time throughout the day

One to 2 months – 15 to 30 minutes of tummy time during the day.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (1)

Tummy time lowers the risk of flat head syndrome. Always remember, you should never leave your baby on his tummy unattended.

Playmats and play gyms are ideal for your baby’s sensory development; they are soft and colorful to grab, and immediately get their attention. Check out this cute Skip Hop play mat for baby.

Buy Tummy time water mat

Ball hold + toy hold strengthen hand muscles

Let your baby hold different toys, pacifiers, plushes, rattle toys, balls, etc. This activity will help them have good hand and eye coordination.

You can use soft plush blocks holding and teach them to grab things by putting them on the side easily accessible during tummy time.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (2)

Studies reveal that babies’ brain development gets a boost if they are exposed to a lot of learning opportunities. Thus, it is essential for parents to give their babies proper time and attention in a safe environment to ensure smart and brainy kids.

Check out this baby play gym for teething and grabbing exercise.

Related: Contemporary newborn toys you must have.

Reading books to your baby

Your baby wants to listen to your voice all day long. Babies are familiar with their mother’s voice from the womb. Listening to stories is their favorite entertainment. Read to them as much as you can; that way your baby will develop an innate love for books and reading too. Hearing moms reading books also develop your child’s language skills.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (3)

Check out some cute and entertaining baby books

Eye-tracking by moving objects from one place to another

Studies have shown that babies can see and notice things around them from the very beginning. However, their ability to color recognition takes about 3 to 4 months. Before that, they only see black and white.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (4)

Babies recognize mom’s touch and smell from the womb, and fall in love with her face after seeing her. Moving away from your newborn and have him follow you all along is a fun activity for them.

Talking to your baby

Babies listen and observe all the noise around them. They have been listening to your heartbeat and are familiar with these sounds from the womb. Talking to your newborn can be the best activity. Bring your face closer and talk.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (5)

Talking to your newborn is addictive – once they start responding with their cute baby voices, you can’t resist their mesmerizing baby talk.

Singing a lullaby to your baby

When your little one is having a meltdown or resisting a nap, sing him a lullaby in your soothing voice. You don’t have to remember a song, sing your famous childhood rhyme. If not, your favorite song lyrics will work just fine.

Well, who doesn’t know “Twinkle twinkle little star’?

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (6)

Play music and dance

One of the best ways to calm a crying baby is to play music – not just any music, but the one they are fond of. Playing music and dancing softly while firmly holding your baby, or preferably wearing your baby, is a fun-filled activity.

Your baby will strengthen his grip on the dance moves. Make sure the moves are not too intense, as shaking babies can be fatal.

This also encourages an interest in music and strengthens bonding with the parent, which is important for emotional development as well.

Related: Fun and development activities for babies 6 to 9 months old.

Flashcards for newborn

Newborns usually see black and white only; their eyesight takes several months to mature and see colors. Get your newborn these amazing black and white flashcards to help them develop object recognition.

Buy flashcards now for every baby stage.

pulling things out of the box activity

To try as a DIY, put clean wash clothes in an empty tissue box, and let your baby learn and explore taking out objects one by one. You can also connect small napkins by knotting them through the edges, putting them in a box, and letting your little one explore the magic inside the box.

Check out this toy, what’s inside the box surprise box.

Play Peek a boo – object disappearance

This one is your baby’s favorite activity for vision development. Bring an object, maybe a rattling toy in front of him, get his attention, and then suddenly disappear it. You may notice that your baby seems to enjoy the appearance and disappearance of objects visually. If the baby seems overstimulated, try some other time.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (8)

Related: Fun and developmental play activities for babies 6 to 9 months old.

Flying objects above baby so he follows along

Mobile toys are great for hovering objects. Moving musical toys in the air or mobile toys in the crib will keep the baby engaged and exploring.

Buy ocean baby whale, shark mobile toy

Imitate facial expressions and gestures

Babies are great at imitating what they see you doing. Stick your tongue out and notice your baby copying you. Try making different sounds and facial expressions to see how your baby responds. Tap a table, clap, or wave, and see how your baby follows along. Babies are smart, and they learn exponentially fast.

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (9)

Other activities for babies 6 to 9 months

  • Help your baby sit up once the baby gets good head control.
  • Let your baby crawl on various surfaces to have their hands feel different types of textures. Make sure the textures are not sharp for babies and are properly childproofed while you do such activities.
Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (10)
  • Take a paper towel roll and a small tennis ball. Let your baby have fun with them and explore.
  • Hang a ball from a chair, and let your baby kick it with his legs or hit it with his hand. This activity will help strengthen the baby’s legs and arm muscles.

Related: Fun and development activities for babies 6 to 9 months old.

Check out these 16 unique and minimalist toys you must have at home.

Neutral color baby stuff that is perfect for elegant homes

While you plan different activities for a day, make sure they do not get overwhelming for your baby. Activities should not be overstimulating, rather entertaining. Plan according to your baby’s age, as you are the best judge of what your child is capable of.

Got too much stuff for the baby? Learn how to maximize small space for a baby nursery.

16 Baby play activities Ideas _ DIY that are easy to set up to keep baby entertained

Easy-to set-up activities that are not only healthy for brain development but also babies (and toddlers) can enjoy hands-on learning through safe exposure and experience. Read more

Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (11)
Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (12)
Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (13)
Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (14)

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Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home (2024)


Sensory development activities for babies (0-6 months old) to try at home? ›

Provide plenty of skin-to-skin contact with a parent or caregiver. Smile at baby, touch her hands, feet and forehead. She how she wiggles , reacts to touch and voices. Play or sing songs with baby to help enhance baby's listening skills.

How can I get my newborn to play sensory at home? ›

Provide plenty of skin-to-skin contact with a parent or caregiver. Smile at baby, touch her hands, feet and forehead. She how she wiggles , reacts to touch and voices. Play or sing songs with baby to help enhance baby's listening skills.

What is sensory development for a 6 month old? ›

By the time baby is 6 months old baby should reach the following sensory milestones: Uses both hands to explore toys. Generally happy when not hungry or tired. Brings hands and objects to mouth.

When can I start my baby sensory at home? ›

Not only can you start providing rich sensory experiences for your newborn right away — exploring the world together can be a sweet, simple way for the two of you to bond. At any age, pay attention to how your child reacts to different sensory experiences.

What is the best play activity for a 6 month old infant to provide tactile stimulation? ›

Water play is one of the easiest sensory experiences for babies and is so easily adaptable. I used cold water (another way to help keep Samuel cool), and poured it into a shallow tray with some food colouring, and let Samuel go to town. He happily stayed on his tummy so he could splash around in the water.

How do you do sensory play at home? ›

It's so satisfying to watch children learn and develop through various sensory play activities that are often quick, cheap and easy to create for them.
  1. Make Homemade Playdough. ...
  2. Create Pasta Necklaces. ...
  3. Try Finger Painting. ...
  4. Make a Mini Sand Garden. ...
  5. Sorting Pebbles. ...
  6. Moving Cotton Wool Balls Between Jars. ...
  7. Stacking Bricks.
Dec 4, 2019

What is best for baby sensory? ›

The Explor-A-Ball is packed with sensory fun for babies. Babies can explore their senses as they discover the silky ribbons, click-clacking balls, and moveable beads. This interactive toy is suitable for babies aged from six months and over.

What is sensory play for babies? ›

Sensory play is any activity that stimulates our senses – touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. It helps children interact with and make sense of the world that surrounds them.

How do babies develop sensory? ›

To Encourage Sensory Development:

Help baby explore with new toys, places, and experiences. When holding them, try facing them out to see the world around them. Try minimizing bad odours (change those diapers quickly!) to keep baby from fussing.

How do you do sensory play with a baby? ›

When your baby is alert and you're ready to play, sensory activities that you can do at home include cuddling, reading stories, listening to music, and exploring interesting shapes, colourful objects and toys.

What is a sensory play? ›

What is Sensory Play? In essence, sensory play includes play that engages any of your child's senses. This includes touch, smell, sight, sound and taste. But it also covers movement, balance, and spatial awareness.

What are 2 benefits of sensory play? ›

Sensory play has an important role in your child's development. Not only does it help your child engage their five senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but it also boosts their language skills and motor skills. Sensory play also promotes exploration, creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving.

Do newborns need sensory toys? ›

Sensory toys can be introduced to your newborn baby and they are an excellent way to develop their senses from birth. Your newborn baby can focus on black, white, and red objects, track the movement of a slowly moving sensory toy, and turn towards the sound of a maraca or bell shaken to one side.

What does a sensory activity do for a newborn? ›

By engaging the senses, your child will learn how to describe what they're doing and how it feels; It helps with cognitive growth. As sensory play develops to hands-on activities, it also plays an important role in helping children build cognitive skills involved in problem solving and abstract thinking.

What are fun activities for babies under 1? ›

Sing songs with motions like “Itsy, Bitsy Spider,” “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” and “Wheels on the Bus.” Help move your baby's arms to make the motions while you are singing. Encourage your baby to explore their hands or feet by tickling them or clapping them together. Play around with tracking objects.

How can I play with my newborn without overstimulating? ›

Make sure the visual stimuli aren't too intense (soothing colors). Talk quietly, using a soft tone. Some babies find hugging or rocking soothing (but not all). Reduce the level of stimulation by making the room quieter or darker.

How do I know if my newborn has sensory issues? ›

There are many symptoms of SPD.

Child avoids visually stimulating environments. Child gets in other people's space and/or touches everything around them. Child is constantly in motion. Child uses unnecessary force when handling objects without realizing.

How do I get my newborn to play? ›

Smile, stick out your tongue, and make other expressions for your infant to study, learn, and imitate. Use a favorite toy for your newborn to focus on and follow, or shake a rattle for your infant to find. Let your baby spend some awake time lying on the tummy to help strengthen the neck and shoulders.

Is baby sensory good for newborns? ›

Babies who are exposed to multi-sensory stimulation through toys and activities will develop more awareness and alertness which is great news for your journey to reaching those exciting milestones.

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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.