Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (2024)

This healthy month long vegan whole food meal plan is packed fresh produce and amazing plant-based recipes!

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (1)

This year I have many changes I want to make in my life

  • Spend less time on social media
  • Read more books
  • Be more active
  • Eat better

To help achieve these goals I’ve made a game plan.

  • Delete the social media apps on my phone
  • Track my activity with my new Fitbit
  • Make a meal plan

What Is A Vegan Whole Food Diet?

A whole food diet is a diet focused on real minimally processed plant-based foods. The goal is to eat nutrient packed meals while avoiding added sugars, additives, and foods that cause inflammation.

Foods To Include:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Minimally processed soy like tofu and tempeh
  • Small amounts of minimally processed oils like extra virgin olive oil

Foods To Avoid:

  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Honey
  • Grains
  • Artificial color
  • Artificial flavorings
  • Harmful preservatives
  • Refined sugars
  • Refined and hydrogenated oils

What Do You Eat On A Vegan Whole Food Diet?

A vegan whole food diet might sound restrictive, but there are many delicious foods you can eat like dairy-free smoothies, stir-fries, salads, zoodles, soups, stews, and more.

Is This A Whole Food Plant-Based Diet?

Not exactly. A “whole-food plant-based diet“, or WFPB, also includes whole grains and doesn’t use any refined oils at all. This meal plan is more like a plant-based paleo or Whole30 diet. However, it could easily be adapted to a WFPB diet by following these recomendations for cooking without oil.

Is A Whole Food Vegan Diet Healthy?

Absolutely! Just remember to make sure you’re consuming enough calories and that you eat a wide range of foods. As with any vegan diet, you’ll need to supplement your vitamin B12.

Is A Whole Food Vegan Diet Good For Weight Loss?

Yes! A well balanced plant-based diet is a great way to lose weight. Whole food vegan meals tend to be higher in fiber and lower in calories that traditional diets, keeping you full while still giving you plenty of energy.

This meal plan shoots for 1,500 – 1,700 calories a day. If your goal isn’t to lose weight you can add an extra snack or two throughout each day.

Disclaimer – I’m not a medical professional. Please consult with your doctor or dietitian before starting any weight loss plan.

Day 1


1/2 Berry Beet Ginger Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (2)


Second half of the berry beet smoothie


4 cups lettuce with 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, and 1/2 avocado

2 carrots cut into slices with 1/4 cup hummus


14 almonds


Two servings of Hungarian Red Lentil Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (3)

Total calories for the day 1,470

Day 2


Banana Berry Fresh Green Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (4)


14 almonds


2 servings of leftover Hungarian Red Lentil Soup


2 Servings of Mexican-Style Stuffed Zucchini Boats

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (5)

Total calories for the day 1,510

Day 3


1/2 Strawberry Beet Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (6)


1/2 Strawberry Beet Smoothie


2 servings leftover Mexican-Style Stuffed Zucchini Boats


2 servings of Vegan Lentil Mushroom Stew with Mashed Sweet Potatoes

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (7)

Total calories for the day 1,558

Day 4


1/2 Pineapple Green Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (8)


1/2 Pineapple Green Smoothie


2 Servings leftover Vegan Lentil Mushroom Stew with Mashed Sweet Potatoes


2 Servings Curried Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (9)

Total calories for the day 1,460

Day 5


1/2 Dairy-Free Strawberry Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (10)


1/2 Dairy-Free Strawberry Smoothie

14 Almonds


2 Servings leftover Curried Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup


2 Carrots cut into slices 1/4 cup hummus

1 Apple


2 Servings of Zucchini Noodles with Pesto

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (11)

Total calories for the day 1,581

Day 6


Blueberry Banana Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (12)


14 Almonds

1 Apple


4 cups of lettuce with 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 3 Tbsp hemp hearts, and 1/2 of a avocado.


2 carrots cut into slices with 1/4 cup hummus


2 Servings of Spanish Beans with Tomatoes

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (13)

4 Cups of lettuce with 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar, 3 Tbsp hemp hearts, and 1/2 of an avocado.

Total calories for the day 1,543

Day 7


One serving Strawberry Hemp Milkshake. (this recipes is set to make 4 servings, so I cut everything in half).

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (14)


One serving strawberry hemp milkshake

14 Almonds


2 Servings leftover Spanish Beans with Tomatoes


14 Almonds

1 Apple


2 Servings of Roasted Cauliflower Salad w/ Lentils & Grapes

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (15)

Total calories for the day 1,495

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Green Power Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (16)


14 Almonds


2 Servings leftover Roasted Cauliflower Salad w/ Lentils & Grapes


2 Servings Instant Pot Stuffed Squash

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (17)

Total calories for the day 1,622

Day 9


1/2 Turmeric Mango Carrot Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (18)


1/2 Turmeric Mango Carrot Smoothie


2 Servings leftover Instant Pot Stuffed Squash


12 Thai Peanut Collard Wraps

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (19)

Total calories for the day 1,486

Day 10


1/2 Pineapple Mint Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (20)


1/2 Pineapple Mint Smoothie


12 leftover Thai Peanut Collard Wraps

14 Almonds

1 Apple


3 Carrots cut into slices with 1/4 cup hummus


2 Servings Kale Sweet Potato White Bean Skillet

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (21)

Total calories for the day 1,487

Day 11


2 Servings Purple Sweet Potato Smoothie Bowl

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (22)


14 Almonds


2 Servings Kale Sweet Potato White Bean Skillet


3 Carrots cut into slices with 1/4 cup hummus


2 Servings Creamy Coconut Delicata Squash Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (23)

Total calories for the day 1,581

Day 12


1/2 Apple Pie Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (24)


1/2 Apple Pie Smoothie


2 Servings leftover Creamy Coconut Delicata Squash Soup


2 Servings Simple Tofu Green Bean Stir Fry

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (25)

Total calories for the day 1,703

Day 13


1/2 Luscious Lemon Cheesecake Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (26)


1/2 Luscious Lemon Cheesecake Smoothie

14 Almonds


2 Servings Simple Tofu Green Bean Stir Fry


1 Apple

3 Carrots cut into slices with 1/4 cup hummus


2 Servings of Vegan Mushroom Stew

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (27)

Total calories for the day 1,623

Day 14


1/2 Creamy dreamy peanut butter banana smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (28)


1/2 Creamy dreamy peanut butter banana smoothie


2 Servings of leftover Vegan Mushroom Stew


2 Servings Vegan Broccoli Cheese Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (29)

Total calories for the day 1,538

Day 15


1/2 Pear, Avocado and Rocket Green Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (30)


1/2 Pear, Avocado and Rocket Green Smoothie


2 Servings of leftover Vegan Broccoli Cheese Soup


2 Servings Warm Kale Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (31)

Total calories for the day 2,037

Day 16


1/2 Berry Cauliflower and Greens Smoothie Bowl Without Banana

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (32)


1/2 Berry Cauliflower and Greens Smoothie Bowl Without Banana


2 Servings of leftover Warm Kale Salad with Roasted Butternut Squash


2 Cups Crock-Pot Tomato Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (33)

Total calories for the day 1,639

Day 17


Blueberry Tahini Basil Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (34)


14 Almonds


2 Cups Leftover Crock-Pot Tomato Soup


2 Servings of Instant Pot Chipotle Pumpkin Vegan Chili

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (35)

Total calories for the day 1,874

Day 18


1/2 Kale Pineapple Chia Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (36)


1/2 Kale Pineapple Chia Smoothie


2 Servings of leftover Instant Pot Chipotle Pumpkin Vegan Chili


2 Servings Instant Pot Detox Vegetable Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (37)

Total calories for the day 1,834

Day 19


1/2 Tropical Mango Kale Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (38)


1/2 Tropical Mango Kale Smoothie


2 Servings of leftover Instant Pot Detox Vegetable Soup


1 Apple

14 Almonds


2 Servings Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Spinach and White Beans

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (39)

Total calories for the day 1,609

Day 20

Tropical Green Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (40)


2 Servings of leftover Vegan Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Spinach and White Beans


2 Servings Plant Based Curry Cauliflower Soup

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (41)

Total calories for the day 1,803

Day 21


Chocolate Coconut Water Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (42)


14 Almonds


2 Servings of leftover Plant Based Curry Cauliflower Soup


2 Servings Baked Tempeh Asian Cabbage Salad with Ginger Sesame Dressing (without the honey)

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (43)

Calories for the day 1,600

Day 22


1/2 Healthy green smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (44)


1/2 Healthy green smoothie


2 Servings leftover Baked Tempeh Asian Cabbage Salad with Ginger Sesame Dressing


1 Apple

14 Almonds


2 Servings Bubble & Squeak

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (45)

Total calories for the day 1,609

Day 23


Tropical Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (46)


1 Apple


2 Servings leftover Bubble & Squeak


2 Servings Sweet Potato, Chickpea and Spinach Curry

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (47)

Total calories for the day 1,661

Day 24


Low Sugar Avocado Blueberry Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (48)


1 Serving Lemon Coconut Protein Balls

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (49)


2 Servings leftover Sweet Potato, Chickpea and Spinach Curry


1 Serving Vegan Zucchini Pasta Alfredo

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (50)

Total calories for the day 1,658

Day 25


1/2 Paleo Green Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (51)


1/2 Paleo Green Smoothie

1 Serving leftover Lemon Coconut Protein Balls


1 Serving leftover Vegan Zucchini Pasta Alfredo


1 Serving leftover Lemon Coconut Protein Balls


2 Servings Black Bean and Tofu Scramble Vegan Lettuce Wraps

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (52)

Total calories for the day 1,611

Day 26


Vegan Chocolate Banana Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (53)


1 Serving leftover Lemon Coconut Protein Balls

1 Apple


2 Servings leftover Black Bean and Tofu Scramble Vegan Lettuce Wraps


1 Serving leftover Lemon Coconut Protein Balls


2 Servings Vegan Zucchini Noodle Lasagna

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (54)

Total calories for the day 1,535

Day 27


Strawberry Avocado Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (55)


14 Almonds

1 Apple


2 Servings leftover Vegan Zucchini Noodle Lasagna


14 Almonds

3 Carrots cut into slices with 1 serving Homemade Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (56)


2 Servings Vegan Potato Jackfruit Stew Recipe

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (57)

Total calories for the day 1,519

Day 28


1/2 Maca Peanut Butter Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (58)


1/2 Maca Peanut Butter Smoothie


2 Servings leftover Vegan Potato Jackfruit Stew Recipe


1 + 1/2 Serving Vegan Mushroom Bourguignon With Potato Cauliflower Mash

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (59)

Day 29


1/2 Rose And Raspberry Smoothie with Coconut

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (60)


1/2 Rose And Raspberry Smoothie with Coconut


1 + 1/2 Serving leftover Vegan Mushroom Bourguignon With Potato Cauliflower Mash


1 Apple

14 Almonds


2 Servings Easy Vegan Split Pea Soup Recipe with Turmeric

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (61)

Total calories for the day 1,511

Day 30


Tahini Date Shake, aka Tahini Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (62)


1 Apple


2 Servings leftover Easy Vegan Split Pea Soup Recipe with Turmeric


2 Servings Chickpea Coconut Curry

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (63)

Total calories for the day 1,567

Day 31


1/2 Vegan Vanilla Blueberry Smoothie

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (64)


1/2 Vegan Vanilla Blueberry Smoothie


2 Servings leftover Chickpea Coconut Curry


2 Servings Vegan Roasted Carrot Soup with Lentils

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (65)

Total calories for the day 1,568

Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (66)
Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (67)
Vegan 31 Day Whole Food Meal Plan (2024)


Will I lose weight on a whole food vegan diet? ›

Due to the reduced intake of meat and ultra-processed foods, plus more fiber, a whole-food plant-based diet has many health benefits, including lower body weight and a decreased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers.

Is the whole 30 diet vegan? ›

The Plant-Based Whole30 is a 30-day elimination and reintroduction program designed to help vegans, vegetarians, and those curious about adopting a plant-based diet identify food sensitivities and reset their health, habits, and relationships with food.

Is a whole food vegan diet healthy? ›

Plant-based diets offer all the necessary protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health, and are often higher in fiber and phytonutrients. However, some vegans may need to add a supplement (specifically vitamin B12) to ensure they receive all the nutrients required.

How to lose belly fat on a vegan diet? ›

Fiber-rich, gut-friendly foods like legumes, avocados, potatoes and berries could all help reduce visceral fat and opting for at least one vegan meal each day will assist you in ramping up your fiber intake with ease—along with complex carbs, healthy fats and other essential nutrients.

How many pounds can you lose in a month going vegan? ›

Eating a vegan diet is associated with a decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. This vegan weight loss meal plan also sets you up to lose a healthy 1 to 2 pounds per week. Victoria Seaver is a registered dietitian and Editorial Director for

Are eggs allowed on Whole30? ›

Foods allowed on the Whole30 diet mostly consist of minimally processed foods, including: Meat, eggs, and poultry: beef, veal, pork, horse, lamb, chicken, turkey, duck, etc. Fish and seafood: fish, anchovies, shrimp, calamari, scallops, crab, lobster, etc. Fruits: fresh and dried fruits.

Can you eat hummus on Whole30? ›

Traditional hummus is made from garbanzo beans (also known as chickpeas), which are a legume and Plant-Based Whole30 compatible. Just read your labels to make sure your hummus doesn't contain dairy or other ingredients that aren't a fit for the Plant-Based Whole30.

Is almond milk OK on Whole30? ›

Whole30 founder Melissa Hartwig called this the first-ever Whole30-approved almond milk in 2016. It's got only four ingredients: water, organic almonds, organic acacia gum, and sea salt. You've seen this in literally every grocery store, and now you know: Yes, you can drink it while doing Whole30.

What is the vegan golden rule? ›

The Golden Rule simply states that we should act towards others as we would wish them to act towards us.

What is the strictest vegan diet? ›

Level 4 vegans are incredibly committed to veganism, and follow a strict dietary regime. A level 4 vegan's diet is likely to contain more fruits, vegetables and nuts. Level 4 vegans will often only eat out at vegan restaurants, or if that is not an available option they will only choose a vegan option.

Do you detox when going vegan? ›

When transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, it's not uncommon to go through a natural adjustment period where your body adapts to the absence of animal products. This period can come with detox side effects as your body eliminates toxins accumulated from consuming animal-based foods.

What are the downsides of a whole food plant-based diet? ›

Another con of a plant-based diet is the likelihood of possible gaps in nutrition. Five nutrients present special challenges. A deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause anemia and nerve damage. B12 occurs naturally in some animal products but is not found in plants.

What is an example of a whole food vegan diet? ›

Fruits: berries, citrus fruits, pears, peaches, pineapple, bananas, etc. Vegetables: kale, spinach, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, peppers, etc. Starchy vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc. Whole grains: brown rice, rolled oats, farro, quinoa, brown rice pasta, barley, etc.

Is Greek yogurt a whole food? ›

Cheese and plain yogurt are also often included as whole foods. Even though the milk that they are made from will have gone through some processing to create these dairy products, the processing is seen as minimal. But this doesn't include yogurts with added sugars, flavourings and sweeteners.

Do you lose weight faster on a vegan diet? ›

Generally speaking, vegan diets are associated with a lower calorie intake than other forms of plant-based diets, resulting in more significant weight loss. Lower calorie intake is attributed to plant-based diets with higher fiber content, greater food volume, and lower energy density.

How long does it take to lose weight on a WFPb diet? ›

A review of 12 studies that included more than 1,100 people found that those assigned to plant-based diets lost significantly more weight — about 4.5 pounds (lbs), or 2 kilograms (kg), over an average of 18 weeks — than those assigned to non-vegetarian diets ( 5 ).

Why is it so hard to lose weight as a vegan? ›

A whole food plant-based diet often leads to healthy weight loss, but if you're not seeing the scale move, these reasons could be why: You're still eating and cooking with oil. You need to eat more leafy greens (and fiber in general) You're going out to eat too much.

Will I lose weight if I just eat vegan? ›

The simple answer is yes, you can lose weight eating only fruits and vegetables, but it's not healthy. A safe and sustainable approach would be to focus on increasing your fruit and vegetable intake as part of a balanced diet including lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.